Why do we pray? Reason #2 (of 4)
“ pray without ceasing,” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, ESV)
Why do we pray? Reason #2 (of 4)
It accomplishes what we cannot. There is so much that I cannot do. I already mention ISIS and the world’s diseases and answering hard questions, but there is so much more. Not only can I not save myself, I can’t save my neighbor or my friends or even my family members. I can’t force them to hear and listen to Good News. There are so many things that I cannot do, but prayer can. There is very real power in prayer. Jesus’ disciples learned that difficult lesson in Mark 9 when they asked why they were unable to cast out a demon but Jesus was able. Jesus’ response applied to them as well as us today, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” (Mark 9:29, ESV) There are some things we simply cannot accomplish…but prayer can. Why? Just like we petition a board of directors to make a change that we cannot, our prayers are a petition to a wonderfully powerful God who can do literally anything. Prayer empowers us because it relies on God.
Let your light shine!