By What Standard?
There are many today who do not understand what a standard is. Webster defines a standard as: something established for use as a rule or basis of comparison in measuring quantity, quality, etc. This definition can easily be seen when one goes to a hardware store to by a three-foot piece of 2x4. The sales person would use a standard rule for measuring three feet and cut the 2x4 according to that rule of measurement. If he measured right, he cut the 2x4 36 inches. He used the standard of measurement that has been set. This is a real easy concept to grasp. Why is it, when it comes to religious matters today, some people will not use the standard set forth in the word of God? Think about this, there are people all over this world who claim to love God and want to serve Him, but they go out of their way to go against the Bible to do it. Notice some things that happen.
Many religious people sing praises unto God, but they do so with mechanical instruments. The standard set by God says to sing and sing only. Paul said, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord (Eph. 5:19). If the standard says sing, why, do they play and sing? This is against the standard. God said to sing.
How about the Lord’s Supper? We read of those in the first century partaking of the Lord’s supper on the first day of the week. One may ask which first day? The implication in the standard is these Christians engaged in partaking of it every first day (Acts 20:7). Why would anyone go against the standard?
By what standard do you do the things you do?