Editor's Note: This is the second in a 2-Part series, to read Part 1 follow this link

The Sunday School program at North Main is under the oversight of the elders and is being developed in such a way that a child can study through the Bible. Every book of the Bible will eventually be investigated as well as topics that will help prepare young people for the future. The consistency of being present and on time is what is most important. Parents who study Deuteronomy 6:3-9 see the most important responsibility for them as parents is to teach their children how to know God and His ways. This is done on an every-day basis. From this passage one does not see parents given the liberty to allow their children to miss an opportunity to learn the will of God. If that is the case, why would parents today allow their children to miss an activity that promotes what the Bible says is their responsibility to teach? Parents do not allow their children to miss their secular school for just any reason. He or she will only miss due to some unforeseen circumstance because he or she will fall behind in what they need to know. When a child misses his or her Sunday School class he or she misses the vital teaching the teacher has spent hours preparing in hopes of helping the students to get to Heaven. He or she misses the friends that looked forward to him or her being there. Will the child be able to catch up? Parents know that is usually not the case

The elders of this congregation have seen to it that children, as well as adults, have the opportunity to study God’s Word. They have called the saints together at 9:30am every Sunday and 7pm on every Wednesday for this purpose. Are we obligated to see that our children, and we are here? The inspired writer of Hebrews says yes: “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you” (Hebrews 13:17).

The question is: “How important is Sunday School to Parents?” Only the parents can answer this question. Remember, the children cannot make this decision for themselves. They are relying on you to lead them in what is right (Eph. 6:1).