“And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, “He is out of his mind.””
Be honest, how many times have you thought someone was out of their mind. Maybe it was the coworker who decided to quit and start a business in their garage. Maybe it was the teenage couple who decided 16 was old enough to elope. Maybe it was one of your parents who had a midlife crisis and decided to join a rock band in their late 40s.
Maybe you are fortunate to have grown up in a Christian home surrounded by a Christian support system, but not everybody is that fortunate. In fact, many in the church are ostracized by their people from their former life who think they’re “out of their mind”. Jesus was criticized by his own family for being committed to the Gospel of God, why would we think our “Jesus-walk” would be any different?
But, like the former co-worker turned internet tycoon, or the teenage newly weds, or the middle aged rockstar, we are not concerned with the reaction of others. We are not discouraged by degrading stares or disbelief, because our path leads to something far greater than social acceptance. Heaven.
Let the world think we are strange, God is our Judge. (1 Peter 4:4-5)
Let your light shine!