“Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.”
One of the beauties of the Church is it’s diversity. Walk into any meeting house and you will find all kinds of people from all kinds or walks of life. There are so many different people in our churches with so many interesting stories. As unique as we all are, there is one thing all Christians have in common, not all of our family members are faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
That is hard.
Jesus also experienced this predicament. Some of his own family not only did not believe him, but Mark 6:3 indicates that some of his family members were offended by him! This is not uncommon for many of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We chose to follow Christ, and are shunned either directly or indirectly by the ones whom we’ve known and loved since our childhood.
What do we do in this situation? We look to the life of Christ. We imitate Him. Jesus went out and he preached the Gospel to those who would listen. (Mark 6:6b) We spread the Gospel to those who are ready to hear.
Let your light shine