“The Lord has blessed the household of Obed-edom and all that belongs to him, because of the ark of God.”
Opportunity knocks. Could you imagine being Obed-edom? One minute your doing your laundry and the next the ark of God is in your living room! Apparently, Odeb-edom did not waste this heavenly opportunity. In fact, many believe that the Obed-edom who was mentioned in 1 Chronicles 15 and 26 as being appointed a gatekeeper for the ark in Jerusalem was this same man in 2 Samuel 6.
If this is true, it is incredible that Obed-edom’s decision to obediently care for the ark while it was in his possession, blessed not only him but his entire household! In 1 Chronicles 26:4 Obed-edom’s sons are listed among the gatekeepers and as men of “great abilities” (2 Chronicles 26:6) and “able men qualified for service” (2 Chronicles 26:8). Because of the actions of their father, they were blessed with the ability and opportunity to continue serving the Lord!
Opportunities come our way every day, some are known in advance and others seem to appear our of thin air. What we make of these opportunities says a great deal about where our minds are focused and who we serve.
Maybe we won’t be trusted to care for the ark of God and the be blessed as gatekeepers of Jerusalem. But, maybe we will be trusted with the care of our children’s souls. Maybe we will be trusted with the care of a stranger’s soul. Maybe, just maybe, the person you just met was placed there so YOU could introduce them to Jesus.
Just maybe.
Let your light shine!