““There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that?””
How much is a single soul worth to you? The disciples who were gathered in the house of Simon the Leper were confronted with this very question. As the story goes, a women anointed our Lord with a jar full of very expensive ointment. This ointment was valued at 300 denarii, a full year’s wage! For a frame of reference, the median yearly household income in Weatherford, TX in 2015 was $57,000. Some in her presence began to rebuke her for this waste of very valuable resources, but Jesus surprisingly defended her actions.
Ultimately, that ointment was not wasted because it helped that woman ensure her place in eternity. (Mark 14:9) It could have been used to feed the multitudes, but instead it was used to encourage one woman.
We can debate all day about the use of church funds, what is efficient versus what is effective. But, let me ask you this, if tomorrow you had the opportunity to ensure that one person would rekindle their relationship with Jesus Christ but it would cost you $57,000, would you do it? Would you be tempted to say, but we could reach thousands of people for that price? How valuable is a soul?
There was nothing immediately special about that woman in Mark 14, except that she was ready to do what she could. (Mark 14:4) Many people in our lives are not immediately special, but often they are willing to do what they can, if only someone will invest what is valuable in them.
Are you willing to invest in just one soul? I sure hope so, because Jesus paid it all for our salvation.
Let your light shine!