North Main Church of Christ

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How much do we take?

Prayer, it is counted as one of the Five acts of worship we take part in each Sunday. At the risk of sounding to condescending, did you know that prayer is not restricted to Sunday only? Of course you did. We routinely pray for God to bless our meals, we pray for safe travels, or for comfort in times of heart ache.

We take a lot when we pray.

Have you ever had a friendship were it felt like you were constantly fixing their problems or helping them out, yet it seemed as though they did not reciprocate? Now imagine that you created the universe, and the very people you created betrayed you but you decided to sacrifice your only begotten Son to save them yet again. If that was you, at what point would their prayers that only asked for stuff become a burden?

But how much do we give when we pray? Is our voice as sweet as incense? Do we prostrate ourselves in prayer as though it was an offering rather than a request? Our God is loving, powerful, beautiful, creative, righteous, eternal, omniscient, and giving. Let’s make sure The Lord knows this.

Let your light shine!