“…because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.”
I use to scoff at individuals in the Old Testament who were guilty of idolatry. I mean seriously, who would be so ignorant as to worship an image they literally just made? As Isaiah described the phenomenon in Isaiah 44:16-17 with a man who takes one part of a cedar and burns it for warmth and cooking and the other part he falls down and worships, after he carves it into an image.
Here’s the lunacy, he is worshipping a created image. Why not worhsip the one who created it? Wouldn’t he be more powerful?
What about in your life? Who do you worship? Paul tells us in Romans 1:21 and 25 that many of us do the same thing. We may not worship a “graven image” but we do worship a created image, The Almighty Me.
The point is simple, when we elevate ourselves above God (whether that be by the deciding our wisdom is greater than His, or that our hobbies are more important than Him, or even that our family needs are more urgent than His) we are worshipping the created, rather than the created.
Let us all say, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15b)
Let your light shine!