Priority One by Steve Veazey
by Steve Veazey, one of the elders at the North Main Church of Christ
We live in a time and country today where God has blesses us abundantly. Sometimes these blessing are used by the devil to confuse the very basic priorities in the life of Godly people. We become distracted with our jobs, hobbies, sports, family and school activities. The devil is a master at using good things to take us away from God.
We need to remember that the first four commandments given by God to Moses pertained to the worship of God. Worship God only, make no other gods, uphold His name, and remember the Sabbath (Lord’s) day. (Ex 20:1-8). The teachings of Jesus did not change this priority. Jesus said, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.” (Matt 22:37-38).
It is important that we remember that Priority One is God. Do not let anything come between you and your need to love and worship God. Let us encourage one another (Hebrews 10:23-27), understand the cost of discipleship (Luke 9:57-62), place our treasures in God (Mark 10:17-21), and know that our souls depend upon it (Mark 8:34-38). It is God’s desire to be Priority 1 in our life. As an elder at North Main I encourage each of us to examine your priorities (Col 3:17).
God deserves and demands our best. He always has. He also loves us beyond our ability to comprehend; after all He gave His son as a sacrifice for our sins (Rom 5:8).
The church of Christ on North Main Street meets on Sunday @9:30am for Bible Study, @10:30am for Worship, @5:00pm for Worship, and on Wednesday @7:00pm for a devotional and Bible Study.