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Celebrity Death Hoax

Celebrity Death Hoax

Jesus said to her, "Your brother will rise again." (John 11:23)

Celebrity death hoaxes, they are a real thing. Every so often a rumor will spread across the internet like wildfire claiming that a well-known person has died. The most recent “victim” was Sylvester Stallone, A.K.A. Rocky Balboa. Yet, only a few short hours after this rumor began to trend on Social Media Sylvester Stallone went for a casual stroll through a park in Beverly Hills, seemingly to prove that he is still alive! Imagine if you whole-heartedly believed Stallone to have passed on from the land of the living, only to pass him on the sidewalk! It would seem confusing, incredible, and almost miraculous, would it not?

As Christians, this resurrection (of sorts) is a reality! Jesus said it and Martha believed it in John 11:23-24. The difference for us, however, is that we will not be raised from the dead in order to walk the Beverly Hills streets, but we’ll be resurrected to walk the Heavenly streets of gold.

This promise, however, is only for those who lives and believes in Jesus (John 11:25-26). Let us as Christians not focus on death because we have so much more to look forward to, eternal life with our Heavenly Father.  

Let your light shine!