The Fishers of Men Ministry serving the brotherhood since 1977! The Fishers of Men Ministry began with the mission of taking the gospel to "all creation" (Mark 16:16). This would be accomplished by training brethren (Ephesians 4:11-13) in local churches to share Jesus with their friends, neighbors and relatives. Our full-time instructors work under the oversight of the Cordova Church of Christ, Cordova, TN. They conduct the FOM Course, free of charge to inviting churches and students. This is possible because of the generosity of the Cordova church, plus the financial support of many sister congregations and individuals across the United States and Canada.
In conjunction with our new House 2 House initiative, beginning August 29th at 7 PM we will meet together for 12 weeks each Tuesday night to be formally trained to share the gospel with our community.
If you have any questions, or if you want to get involved, contact Tim Burroughs