To our Christian Family at North Main church of Christ
March 18, 2020
The primary concerns of the Elders for our congregation are both the spiritual and physical well-being of our members. With these concerns in mind, the Elders have been monitoring the status of the COVID-19 pandemic event, and the actions and directives of our national, state and local governmental leaders in response to this event. The Elders have been diligent in our search of the scriptures and in praying to God for guidance as we seek the correct path for our congregation going forward during these troubling times. At this time, the Elders have determined that the following temporary actions are necessary for our congregation.
All bible classes and worship services are suspended temporarily, until April 5th. The North Main congregation will not assemble for Sunday morning bible classes, Sunday morning and afternoon worship services, Wednesday evening bible classes and worship assembly, and ladies’ bible classes during this suspension period. The Elders will meet thereafter to consider whether to resume bible classes and worship periods, or to continue the temporary suspensions.
All other church-sponsored meetings, activities and events are also suspended until further notice. This includes committee meetings (such as Missions and Outreach Committees), between services lunches on Sundays, vacation bible school preparations/meetings, Jr. & Sr. High School devotionals and events, first-Monday event, building and facilities workdays, classroom and office reorganization clean-up and moving activities, and any/all other such activities and events.
The Church Office will be closed at least through the end of March. A decision will be made toward the end of March to re-open the offices or to continue with office closure
The above actions by the Elders are taken out of an abundance of concern for the physical health and safety of our members, and to honor the directives of our governmental leaders, that (1) meetings of 10 or more people not be held; and (2) self-quarantining and social distancing by individuals be practiced, in order to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus throughout communities..
The Elders through prayer and careful study of the scriptures believe the above path forward is in keeping with God’s holy word. These actions are in keeping with Romans 13:1 (NKJV), to “be in subjection to governmental authorities”, “for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing” (Rom. 13:6). These actions are also in accordance with 1 Peter 2:13-14 to “submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by Him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good.”
These actions do not violate Hebrews 10:24-25 regarding forsaking the assembling of the saints. For more detailed discussion of this topic, please refer to the following articles recently written by faithful brothers in Christ:
Regarding what to do to worship God on Sunday, in lieu of assembling for worship services at North Main, the Elders offer the following:
Video and Audio Lessons - Our brother and newly appointed deacon James Cotton is diligently working to establish online streaming video capabilities for our congregation. Presuming this capability is realized before Sunday morning, Greg Surles will live stream, or video record for playback on YouTube, a bible lesson/sermon that members may watch. Also, audio recordings of past sermons are available on our website. The link to the video upload and to audio files may be found at the following link
Alternatively, the Elders recommend members access online services of the following faithful congregations of churches of Christ, who offer live-steaming and pre-recorded sermons. This is not an all-inclusive list as other faithful congregations will also record and/or stream sermons.
Granbury Street church of Christ, Cleburne
Colleyville church of Christ and
Roanoke church of Christ
Brown Trail church of Christ, Bedford
University church of Christ, San Marcos
Southwest church of Christ, Austin
Edmond church of Christ, Edmond, OK
This congregation also sponsors the television show “In Search of the Lord’s Way”, which North Main has supported. The TV show airs Sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m. on DISH TV channel 47, 8:30 a.m. on Direct TV channel 21, and 7:30 a.m. on Spectrum TV channel 7.
Lord’s Supper – Members may prepare their own communion. Fruit-of-the-vine (unsweetened grape juice - any brand), is available at most any grocery store. Unleavened bread (Matzah or Matzo) bread can also be commercially purchased from Walmart online and delivered to your home from Walmart Members may prepare their own unleavened bread. Matza (or Matzo) recipe
If you do not have access to or cannot obtain fruit-of-the-vine and/or unleavened bread, please contact one of the elders or deacons, so that portions may be prepared for you. Please do not come to the church building to obtain them yourself as we do not want any possible contamination of the bread
Weekly Contribution – Members are reminded that on the first day of the week, we are to “lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper” (1 Cor. 16:2), to “give as he purposes in his heart” (2 Cor. 9:7) so that God may “make all grace abound toward you…always having all sufficiency in all things” (v.8) and that we “may have an abundance for every good work.” (v. 8) Even though the worship services are suspended temporarily, the works of the church continue and are on-going.
You may mail your weekly contribution check (North Main church of Christ, 1302 N. Main St., Weatherford, TX 76086). Alternatively, you may call one of the deacons or elders to make other arrangements. We will also explore the possibility of setting up auto-pay or direct pay from banking services
During this temporary suspension of services and activities, the Elders encourage you to spend time with your family and/or a small group of friends to sing, pray, worship God, and study God’s word. The Elders also urge you to heed the recommendations of our health authorities regarding personal hygiene, social distancing, and self-quarantine.
The Elders will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will adjust plans accordingly. We also will continue to evaluate other methods and means to improve communications and to facilitate the preaching of the Word and the spread of the Gospel. Without ceasing, we “make mention of you always in our prayers” (Rom. 1:9), and we ask that you to do the same for us.
The Elders leave you with this thought, to not lose focus of the gift of peace given by our Lord and Savior; “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27
Sincerely and Prayerfully,
The Elders
David Andrews (817.771.1984)
Ron Josselet (817.908.1204)
Steve Veazey (940.452.5690)
Robert Wheeler ((940.468.9590)
Other Contacts:
Wanda Boozer (817.629.0280)
Greg Surles (817.658.9115)
James Cotton (817.312.0444)
Matt Craig (817.565.3280)
Chase Gardner (817.528.913)
Bobby Gentry (682.229.7093)
Kelly Hill (817.999.5277)
Eddie Marsh (214.478.5233)
Trey Pitchford (832.489.5612)
Richard Zamarron (817.822.3296)