“But you know Timothy’s proven worth, how as a son with a father he has served with me in the gospel.”
Many of us go through life trying to prove something to others, to show that we have something to offer. We may describe this constant struggle in a positive light as “driven” or “devoted.” But, other times we’ll use less flattering vernacular by saying someone “lacks self-esteem” or they are “begging for attention.” At the heart of the conflict is the fruit of our actions. Rarely is someone described as driven or lacking in self-esteem if their actions don’t at least in some way give credence to that tag.
Timothy had proven his worth. Though some looked at him as a youth (1 Tim 4:12), Paul saw his value, his proven worth. His proven worth came from serving in the Gospel. Not only did he defend against false teachers while at Ephesus (2 Tim 1:3) but he also oversaw the establishment of the eldership in Ephesus (1 Tim 3:1). Timothy proved his worth, not by asking for praise or even bemoaning his presumed disrespect, but by working. Let us be like Timothy, and prove our worth by working for the cause of Christ!
Let your light shine!